We want you to get the knowledge you deserve.

About Us

This website grew from an initiative by 7 Monash Law students in the Diversity & Inclusion section of the Monash Law Ambassador Program. We’re lucky to have grown our team to 12 members in 2023. Our goal is to communicate information to future law students from all backgrounds about pursuing law. As students ourselves who have gone through this process, we know how difficult it can be getting information about courses, deciding which specific degree to do (e.g. LLB or JD?), being put off by ATAR requirements and more. Considering the internet has a plethora of resources on these topics, we decided to create a website combining all the answers to questions students have. By sharing this information, we hope to encourage students from West Melbourne, Regional Victoria, public schools and students of various backgrounds and different sexual orientations to pursue law and apply to study at Monash. By having a diverse and inclusive selection of future lawyers, we can help change the world for the better. 

Disclaimer: This website is not directed or sponsored by Monash University nor are we employed by Monash University. This is an initiative of Monash Law students to help bridge the gap between students and knowledge about legal tertiary education.