Pathways into Law

To get a direct entry into a a law degree, typically ATAR requirements must be met. However, this does not mean that if you do not get the required ATAR you cannot study law. Why? Because universities offer various pathways into law, thus making the degree more accessible beyond ATAR requirements. Remember, your ATAR is not an end all or be all for law degrees and this piece will explore the different pathways into law that affirm this statement.

1) Internal Course transfer:

Internal Transfers can be quite a competitive process. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you have met each of the eligibility requirements noted on the Monash website. (Here: or respective university requirements (e.g. Swinburne) The eligibility requirements for Monash are as follows; 

  1. You must be currently enrolled in a Monash University course and thus maintain that active enrolment; and

  2. Meet the prerequisites for the new course, in the case for law, you will be required to have received a 25 or higher in your English pre-requisite; and

  3. You must be currently performing to the appropriate level required of your current course and the course you plan to transfer into (i.e. have maintained a minimum WAM (Weighted Average Mark) of 70 (Minimum) which depends completely on the competition and standard of the applying cohort; and

  4. You must have successfully completed twelve credit points of current Monash units (Equivalent to three units).

If you have satisfied these minimum requirements, it is common knowledge that entry into the L.L.B Course is competitive, so it completely depends on the standard of the applying cohort. 

Credit for Previous Studies: 

If you are choosing to complete an internal transfer, you will also be eligible for credit for prior learning. This will allow you to utilise the credit earned in your previous course. 

EXAMPLE 1: Amy has enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts with University X, at the end of the semester AMY has completed the requisite three units and remains enrolled in the course, so applies for an internal transfer to the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws program. If Amy is successful in her application, she will be granted credit points for those existing units she completed in her Arts degree, as they are the same program.

EXAMPLE 2: Priyanka has enrolled themselves into the Bachelor of Commerce program at University X. They are worried that if they complete this degree before doing law, they may not receive credit for their first semester. They apply for credit for prior learning and upon doing so are overjoyed to find they have been successful! 

2) External transfer to Monash (from a different university)

Transferring into Monash Law from a different university can be quite a daunting process - trust me, I’ve done it. It is one filled with numerous emails, forms and applications that can make you doubt whether it is really worth it. But in the end when you walk into your first class at Monash Law, you’ll realise that you made the right decision. 

The first step in transferring is to make sure that your grades at your current university are high. Transfers are a competitive process, so make sure that you try your best in whatever degree you are studying. You will likely need Distinction or High-Distinction averages to be approved for a transfer. However, do not worry!  Most universities offer numerous resources to help you get the best marks possible, so you reach out to your local student services for help!

Next, you will need to apply for a transfer at Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC). If you completed VCE in Victoria then it is likely that you are already quite familiar with the VTAC website. Applying for a course transfer is similar to the process of applying for university out of high school. Once you have done this, the waiting begins. 

For me, waiting to see whether or not my transfer had been approved was the most daunting part of the process. However, when that long-awaited email finally arrives, your pathway to becoming a Monash Law student will finally be complete. All that is left to do is enrol in subjects and get ready for the semester ahead!

3) Monash Guarantee (as of May 2023)

This allows you to get into a Monash course even if you don’t satisfy the course’s lowest selection rank. The following could make you eligible for the Monash Guarantee:

  • have experienced financial disadvantage

  • live in a low socio-economic area

  • are an Indigenous Australian

  • attend a Monash list under-represented school

You must also be studying an Australian Year 12 or International baccalaureate in 2023, and also be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, a holder of Australian permanent residency or permanent humanitarian visa.

If you meet the eligibility criteria and achieve the Monash Guarantee ATAR (90 for law) and meet any other course requirements (e.g. pre-requisites), then you will be guaranteed an offer at Monash.

To apply for the Monash guarantee, you must:

  • Submit a VTAC course application in which your preferred Monash University course/s is/are in your preference list; and

  • Complete a Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) application, including Category 1, and submit any required documentation.

For more information please visit the following link:


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Bachelor of Laws vs Juris Doctor (LLB vs JD)